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JCS Group Outsourcing & Procuring | Procurement Management


JCS does not offer sourcing options based on dubious international database searches and platforms, as is often the case in this field.


On the contrary, JCS offers real solutions thanks to a careful selection of suppliers directly in the countries of origin and thanks to an established relationship with them. 

Rooting in the territory

JCS has its own qualified staff in each country where the suppliers proposed to the customer are based.

Our staff are familiar with the local language, culture, way of working and doing business in that country, making negotiations and contractual procedures easier, and, crucially, ensuring quality control of the product on site.

 J.C.S. Outsourcing & Procuring | Procurement Management Offices in the world

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Headquarters Italy. Add. Via E. Fermi N° 253, 36100 Vicenza | P.Iva/Vat N° 04094970243

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