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Outsourcing Management

Outsourcing Management

Demand Analysis

  • Detailed study of the request through in-depth interviews with the customer in order to have all the necessary tools to assign an ad hoc team and to plan the best procurement options.

Supplier Selection

  • Scouting, analysis and evaluation of outsourced suppliers capable of responding to customer requests with the best product, rationalising costs while ensuring the required quality level;


  • Constant monitoring of price trends and innovations, current regulations and the main players operating in the various sectors.

Management of Relation between Supplier & Customer

  • Management of all or part of the development and procurement activities as a purchasing office at the customer's disposal, on an ongoing basis as an operational consultant or on a project basis;


  • Conducting dialogues between manufacturers and customers in the local language;


  • Accompanying or fully directing business negotiations;


  • Constant monitoring of purchasing, production and delivery processes, through continuous communication, in absolute transparency.

Documents & Certifications

  • Support in the preparation and/or creation of the documents necessary to define the supply: multilingual drafting of the contract, most suitable terms and conditions of supply, obtaining after-sales guarantees, technical documents;


  • Analysis and creation of specific technical data sheets for the desired Product/Service; 


  •  Verification of any need for specific certifications for components and/or finished products and, where required, obtaining them through recognised certification bodies.

Production Supervision

  • Constant control of the production phases, from the raw material to the finished product, by means of its own employees who are always present at the supplier's place of business


  • Pre-shipment control and supervision;


  • Control and supervision in packaging and logistics management;


  • Support in the preparation and management of shipping documents with triangulation service where required;


  • Dedicated operational and logistic facilities in the countries involved in the trade operations.

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Headquarters Italy. Add. Via E. Fermi N° 253, 36100 Vicenza | P.Iva/Vat N° 04094970243

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